Thursday, 23 June 2011

Clearer labelling for posts - what do you think?

Which of the following Tweets is best for you? One that prefaces the message with the name of the company it's about: 
...or the way they have been presented till now, with just the content of that Tweet (below): 
I was thinking that in a long stream of Tweets it might be useful to have that label first, so you can see at a glance what the subject of the Tweet is. What do you think?

And here's a reminder of all the _TODAY GROUP services: 

Apple News @AP_TODAY
Amazon News @AZ_TODAY
Facebook News @FB_TODAY
Google News @GG_TODAY
Microsoft News @MS_TODAY
Twitter News @TW_TODAY

All six are brought together in this new service:

Tech Business News @TECH_BIZ_TODAY 

Also new, exclusively covering news about a Facebook IPO:

Facebook IPO @FB_IPO

And there are two other, non-tech-related services: 

- Follow news of the London Olympics here: 

London 2012 News @LD2012_TODAY  

- And if you happen to live in this corner of South West London, you'll enjoy: 

East Sheen News @ES_TODAY

Any thoughts or comments, please leave below, or Tweet me @ one of the above addresses ...thanks, Charles

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Combined Tech News - a new service from the _TODAY GROUP

If you subscribe to one of the six original _TODAY GROUP tech news services on Twitter, you may also want to follow a new Twitter account @TECH_BIZ_TODAY, which combines news from all six companies in a single account. 

@TECH_BIZ_TODAY will be updated hourly with news of Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google, Twitter and Microsoft. Keep up to speed on the tech giants with @TECH_BIZ_TODAY (below):

Or, for more about a particular company, follow one of six originals: 

Apple News @AP_TODAY
Amazon News @AZ_TODAY
Facebook News @FB_TODAY
Google News @GG_TODAY
Microsoft News @MS_TODAY
Twitter News @TW_TODAY

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Follow London Olympics news with _TODAY GROUP

A new _TODAY GROUP service is launched: LD2012_TODAY will keep you updated with news of the London games:

Please go to @LD2012_TODAY and follow!

Or join one of our original six tech news services: 
Apple News @AP_TODAY
Amazon News @AZ_TODAY
Facebook News @FB_TODAY
Google News @GG_TODAY
Microsoft News @MS_TODAY
Twitter News @TW_TODAY

Monday, 6 June 2011

Too much of a good thing?

I have just switched changed the updates of _TODAY GROUP news to happen only every two hours instead of every hour because I'm worried you are getting too many tweets - even if you are really interested in the tech company you're following. 

Please let me know what you think often do you want to hear the latest news from your _TODAY GROUP service? It could be every hour, every two hours, three hours or longer?

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Now on Facebook too!

There's a new way to keep up with _TODAY GROUP tech news...

You can subscribe to the individual Twitter feeds for the companies you want to know about (click on the links below to see what they're like)...

Apple News @AP_TODAY
Amazon News @AZ_TODAY
Facebook News @FB_TODAY
Google News @GG_TODAY
Twitter News @TW_TODAY
Microsoft News @MS_TODAY

...OR now you can LIKE the -TODAY GROUP Facebook page (screenshot below) to get updated news of all six companies together - direct to your Facebook wall.

Please tell us what works for you, and what other services you'd like us to add.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

New colours!

I have redesigned the logos for each of the six feeds, so that each company has its own colour. What do you think? Have a look - and follow! - them all.