Thursday 23 June 2011

Clearer labelling for posts - what do you think?

Which of the following Tweets is best for you? One that prefaces the message with the name of the company it's about: 
...or the way they have been presented till now, with just the content of that Tweet (below): 
I was thinking that in a long stream of Tweets it might be useful to have that label first, so you can see at a glance what the subject of the Tweet is. What do you think?

And here's a reminder of all the _TODAY GROUP services: 

Apple News @AP_TODAY
Amazon News @AZ_TODAY
Facebook News @FB_TODAY
Google News @GG_TODAY
Microsoft News @MS_TODAY
Twitter News @TW_TODAY

All six are brought together in this new service:

Tech Business News @TECH_BIZ_TODAY 

Also new, exclusively covering news about a Facebook IPO:

Facebook IPO @FB_IPO

And there are two other, non-tech-related services: 

- Follow news of the London Olympics here: 

London 2012 News @LD2012_TODAY  

- And if you happen to live in this corner of South West London, you'll enjoy: 

East Sheen News @ES_TODAY

Any thoughts or comments, please leave below, or Tweet me @ one of the above addresses ...thanks, Charles

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